A contested divorce does not necessarily mean a nasty and expensive trial. It means you and your spouse cannot come to an agreement on your own. You might reach an amicable settlement through mediation or negotiation. You might need a judge to break an impasse or rule on a few sticky issues. Or, yes, you could end up in full-fledged litigation.

In or out of court, a contested divorce requires a strategic and aggressive divorce lawyer. The Law Offices of Teresa A. Beyers protect your interests and position you for the most favorable outcome. We’re the divorce law firm that strives for creative and practical resolutions to these complex and emotional issues, backed by courtroom experience if your contested divorce goes to trial.

The Law Offices Of Teresa A. Beyers Experienced Counsel For California Divorce

Los Angeles lawyer Teresa Beyers practices exclusively in divorce and family law, serving clients in the San Fernando Valley and throughout Los Angeles County. She understands the head-spinning decisions and disputes that clients face, especially when children are involved. She can proactively address every facet of a contested divorce, which may involve:

The Benefits of Working With a Los Angeles Contested Divorce Attorney

There are several reasons to hire an experienced contested divorce lawyer in Los Angeles when you and your ex cannot agree on certain terms. They include the following:

Avoiding going to court

Again, if you and your ex are unable to agree on any critical issues, you will either need a judge to make a ruling on them, or you will have to enter into litigation. Both of these are situations that divorcing spouses typically wish to avoid.

Avoiding them may be possible if you hire a Los Angeles contested divorce attorney. One of the first goals of such a lawyer is to help divorcing spouses come to agreeable terms on issues that may have otherwise had to be dealt with in court. When you have an objective expert on your side, it tends to be much easier to address many of the challenging and painful topics that can come up during the divorce process.

Allowing a lawyer to help you negotiate with your ex in a relatively calm manner can also be particularly helpful if you have kids. When parents can’t agree on the terms of a divorce and are thus forced to fight over them in court, the experience is often very painful for their children. This can be avoided if a lawyer helps you make certain decisions and concessions that would be much more challenging to make if you attempted to address these issues with your ex directly.

That said, there are instances when it may be essentially impossible for two divorcing spouses to agree on certain terms of a divorce arrangement. In these cases, having a Los Angeles contested divorce attorney on your side may be even more valuable.

Fighting for your rights

No one enjoys the experience of going into litigation when getting a divorce because they and their ex are unable to come to a mutual agreement on divorce terms. However, if this is unavoidable, you need strong representation to maximize the chances of arriving at a satisfactory outcome.

This is another reason to hire a lawyer who specializes in handling these cases. You want to be certain that someone is fighting for your rights aggressively by applying tactics that have proven to be successful in the past.

Explaining the terms of your divorce

The terms of a finalized divorce can often be fairly complex. It is vital that both you and your ex thoroughly understand them. You want to be certain you don’t accidentally violate the terms of your divorce in the future because you misunderstood certain critical elements, and you want to be sure you are able to accurately determine if your ex is ever violating the terms of your divorce.

A Los Angeles contested divorce attorney can also help in this capacity. Regardless of whether you are able to arrive at an agreement with your ex without going to court or whether you need to address certain issues in litigation when your divorce has been finalized, your attorney can explain the final terms to you if you have any questions regarding them.

Personalized Attention And Individualized Solutions

Do you know what you want from divorce? Are you worried that your spouse will not play fair? Are you nervous about the prospect of going to court? Divorce is a daunting process. Los Angeles contested divorce attorney Teresa Beyers will help you develop goals and priorities so that you go into contested proceedings with confidence and purpose. At every stage, she will offer honest advice and strong legal advocacy.

Attorney Beyers reserves at least two days a week to spend time with clients and strives to offer a relaxing atmosphere to discuss these important and intensely private matters. We offer a free initial phone consultation and can meet clients after hours and on weekends by appointment.

Call 213-236-4400 or contact us online for a trusted divorce lawyer in Los Angeles, CA.

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