The police and the courts take domestic violence very seriously. They will act quickly to protect victims from further harm by way of court orders and by physically removing the offender from the premises.

If you have experienced domestic violence or fear for the safety of yourself or your children, The Law Offices of Teresa A. Beyers stands ready to advocate for you. We will help you obtain an emergency protective order and advocate for you in legal proceedings to keep you safe and hold the abuser accountable.

If you are unfairly accused of family violence, our experienced attorney can provide the legal advocacy you need. Allegations of a pattern of abusive behavior or an incident of domestic violence can have a major impact on divorce and custody proceedings.

Experienced Representation For Domestic Violence And Related Issues Of California Family Law

What is Domestic Violence

First of all, domestic violence occurs between two people who have an intimate relationship. This can be due to marriage, domestic partnership, cohabitation or previous cohabitation, sharing a child together, or dating or formerly dating individuals. It can also occur between a victim and abuser who are related closely either by marriage or blood.

California law says that domestic violence involves intentionally or recklessly hurting someone physically (or trying to physically hurt) someone. It can also take the form of sexual abuse. Further, domestic violence may take the form of making someone afraid that they are going to be seriously injured or that someone else is going to be seriously injured—such as a promise or threat of harm. Moreover, stalking, harassing, and threatening can be considered domestic violence, as can destroying the victim’s personal property or disturbing the victim’s peace. 

It’s important to remember that domestic violence is not always physical. While physical abuse is easier to see, it is not the only form of domestic abuse. Emotional and psychological abuse and verbal abuse are common. 

Regardless of the type of domestic violence, if police are summoned due to an altercation related to domestic violence, the accused will typically be arrested and detained overnight. While the person is in jail, the victim can file for an ex-parte restraining order. The Law Offices of Teresa A. Beyers can help victims with obtaining this type of order. 

  • The accused person will not be allowed to return to the residence upon release from jail.
  • The restraining order will also prevent the accused from having any contact with the victim or with his or her children.
  • If criminal charges of assault are filed, that person may face jail, a criminal record, and other consequences.
  • Under the California Family Code, a domestic violence conviction can nullify spousal support; a victim cannot be forced to financially support his or her abuser.
  • A parent accused of violence in the presence of children will have an uphill battle in family court proceedings to obtain co-custody or even unsupervised visitation.

Surprising Statistics on Domestic Violence in California

Domestic violence has many faces—from physical or sexual assault and battery to willful intimidation, emotional abuse, and threats, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). The NCADV notes that up to 34.9 percent of women and 31.1 percent of men in California have or will experience physical or sexual violence during their lives. Some other startling statistics on domestic violence in California:

  • Domestic violence is widespread throughout the state. There were 166,890 calls made to law enforcement related to domestic violence in California in 2018. 
  • Domestic violence is on the rise. Around 10.7 percent of all homicides in California derived from domestic violence incidents in 2018, which was a 22.2 percent increase from the previous year. 
  • Domestic violence shelters help. In 2019, around 5,644 adults and children were served by 81 percent of the domestic violence shelters in the state. 
  • Firearms are often used in domestic violence crimes. A study found that abusive partners often use handguns to threaten, scare, or harm victims in 32.1 percent of domestic violence victims surveyed. Approximately 64.5 percent of study subjects in households where guns were owned said that guns had been “used against them” during their lives.
  • In 2019 alone, 12,484 people were convicted of domestic violence in the state.

Nationwide, statistics on domestic violence are not much better, if at all. Across the nation, one in three women and one in four men report having experienced intimate partner violence—and 20 percent of all violent crimes were domestic violence-related. Domestic violence hotlines around the United States field around 19,159 calls each day, which is around 13 calls each minute.  

Up to 96 percent of all murder-suicide crimes in the United States involve a female victim; 65 percent involve an intimate partner. Exposure to domestic violence is rampant among children. Every year, one out of every 15 children in the U.S. is exposed to intimate partner violence. And nine out of 10 of these children witness the violence firsthand.

At The Law Offices of Teresa A. Beyers, we know that there are two sides to the story and that sometimes spouses or partners have a motive to manipulate events or exaggerate the danger. We offer legal counsel to both the abused and the accused to protect their safety and their rights as the legal process plays out.

The Law Offices Of Teresa A. Beyers Is Here To Help

You should not hesitate to call the police if you have been assaulted or threatened with violence. You should not hesitate to call attorney Teresa Beyers for experienced legal representation.

Our Los Angeles domestic violence lawyer practices in family law throughout Greater Los Angeles. We offer a free initial phone consultation and after-hours and weekend appointments.

Call 213-236-4400 or contact us online.

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