Parents who agree in theory on custody and visitation often disagree sharply when it comes down to the actual details of co-parenting. From work schedules and holiday plans to daily contact and communication, parenting plans can be complex and contentious.
The Law Offices of Teresa A. Beyers advises clients in all facets of child custody and visitation, including parenting plans. Our experienced lawyer will stand up for you in or out of court to reach a workable parenting agreement that is fair, clear, and flexible for the parents and in the best interests of your child.
Working Out The Realities Of Custody And Co-Parenting
Despite the obstacles and emotions, it is far better to hash out the parenting plan yourself than to let a judge dictate the terms. California family law attorney Teresa Beyers has helped clients throughout Greater Los Angeles resolve these issues through negotiation and mediation and in litigation when necessary.
We will help you address all aspects of a comprehensive parenting plan:
- Custody and visitation schedule — Overnights, weekends, pick-up/drop-off, etc.
- Vacation and holidays — Splitting major holidays, extra time in the summer, etc.
- Reasonable child-parent contact— Phone, Skype, email, texting
- Co-parent communication — Homework, extra-curricular, grades, medical issues, etc.
- Decision making — School enrollment, religious upbringing, medical issues
The court must sign off on the parenting plan and must approve any major changes to the schedule or the terms. We represent parents in the front-end negotiation of parenting agreements, as well as post-decree modifications of custody and parenting plans.
The Benefits of Working With a Los Angeles Parenting Plan Attorney
Hiring a Los Angeles attorney who has experience helping clients develop parenting plans instead of allowing the court to make these decisions for you or attempting to make them with your ex-spouse is beneficial for the following critical reasons:
Minimizing stress
If you and your ex struggle to agree on the terms of a parenting plan, the emotions that are likely to be stirred up as you try to develop an equitable plan yourselves will contribute to the stress you may already be experiencing throughout the divorce process.
That does not need to be the case. Although your lawyer will provide you with the strong representation you deserve, because they are not a direct family member, their approach to the situation will be more balanced and less fraught with tension than the approach you and your ex are likely to bring with you to these sorts of negotiations. This will ensure you are getting fair treatment without the painful stress that these circumstances may otherwise involve.
You must also consider the stress your children could experience if they know their parents are fighting over these issues. The situation will be much easier for the kids if you enlist the help of a professional who can handle these matters in a more objective fashion.
Ensuring your legal rights are protected.
As a parent, you do have certain legal rights in California. A Los Angeles parenting plan attorney is far more likely to be thoroughly familiar with the various laws and policies that may influence these situations than you might be. Thus, they can ensure that the final plan you and your ex agree upon is one in which your rights have not been violated.
Reducing the length of the process
Again, if you and your ex try to come up with a parenting plan yourselves but are unable to do so, the court will need to handle these matters for you. This will naturally add to the amount of time that must be spent on the process. Working with an attorney will help you guard against this, allowing you to resolve the issue more efficiently than you otherwise might.
Explaining critical factors of your agreement
Coming to a theoretical agreement on a parenting plan with your ex is not the same as actually understanding all the terms of the agreement. A parenting plan can be very complex, and there may be factors or elements of the plan that need to be explained to you so that you can be certain both you and your ex are properly abiding by the terms of your plan in the future. Your Los Angeles parenting plan lawyer can answer any questions you may have on these topics.
Additionally, when you attempt to create a parenting plan on your own, you will likely experience moments of doubt. This is an experience you probably have not had before. You may, therefore, not know if every decision you are making is best for yourself and for your children. Working with an attorney will give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing the individual collaborating with you on a parenting plan has the expertise necessary to help you develop a plan that is ideal for both you and your kids.
Contact The Law Offices Of Teresa A. Beyers
Whether you have a standard visitation arrangement (every other weekend plus one overnight per week) or a shared parenting arrangement (three days/two days or another switching), it should be practical for you and healthy for your child. We try to give clients realistic advice and creative solutions to make it all work.
Los Angeles parenting plan lawyer Teresa Beyers offers a free initial phone consultation and can meet clients after hours and on weekends by appointment.
Call 213-236-4400 or contact us online.