Child support tends to be among the most sensitive issues a divorce may involve. Because California law requires both parents to provide financial support for their children, this topic may even need to be addressed when two parents are not married.
If you are involved in a child support dispute or expect to be in the near future, enlist the help of a Glendale child support attorney at the Law Offices of Teresa A. Beyers. Our team will ensure your rights and the needs of your children are prioritized when child support issues are resolved.
Glendale Child Support Cases 101: The Difference Between Informal And Formal Child Support Agreements
Before a court will address child support issues, it is typically first necessary to establish child custody, parent-time schedule, and visitation arrangements.
Statistics indicate approximately 12.1% of child support agreements are informal. An informal child support agreement is one in which two spouses agree upon who should pay child support and how much they should pay without entering into an official agreement.
Approximately 87.9% of child support agreements in the US are either formal or have been decided by courts.
It is wise to err on the side of caution and not enter into an informal agreement on the issue of child support. When an agreement is not official, if the parent who makes child support payments decides to stop doing so, it can be difficult for the parent receiving payments to take legal action in an attempt to start payments up again.
Don’t leave yourself open to risk if you will likely depend on child support payments to properly care for your children after divorcing your spouse. Hire a Glendale child support attorney who can help you formalize an agreement that’s ideal for all involved.
How Child Support is Calculated in California
Courts account for a range of factors when calculating child support. They include the following:
- Each parent’s net disposable income
- State and federal income taxes
- Union dues, health insurance premiums, and other such expenses
- How many minor children need support
- Time-sharing arrangements
- Whether either spouse must support other children outside the marriage
- A child’s health expenses
Your attorney can identify any other costs that may be relevant in these circumstances. Additionally, if your or your spouse’s financial situation changes substantially after your divorce has been finalized, our Glendale child support law firm can help you modify an existing child support agreement.
For example, if a spouse paying you child support earns a large raise or starts a new job that pays significantly more than the job they had when you got a divorce, it may be possible to modify a child support agreement so that the amount of money you receive increases.
Contact a Glendale Child Support Attorney
Ensuring child support orders are appropriate is vital when two spouses divorce one another. Remember, child support payments play a critical role in ensuring a child’s needs will be met.
Don’t leave this matter to chance. When you hire Glendale child support attorney Teresa Beyers, you will enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing an experienced legal professional is on your and your children’s side. Learn more about what we can do for you by contacting us online or calling us at 213-236-4400.