Entering into a domestic partnership with someone in California involves merging your lives to a significant degree. Thus, ending a domestic partnership in our state is very similar to getting a divorce. The process may require addressing such issues as property division, child custody, and more.

Navigating this experience becomes much easier when you have proper legal representation. At the Law Offices of Teresa A. Beyers, a Newport Beach domestic partnership dissolution attorney is on hand to ensure your rights are protected every step of the way.

Issues a Newport Beach Domestic Partnership Dissolution Attorney Can Help You Address

Although a domestic partnership is not technically a marriage, it is very similar to one in various critical ways. That means domestic partnership dissolution can appear to be as intimidating as divorcing a spouse.

This doesn’t need to be the case. The experts at our Newport Beach domestic partnership dissolution law firm can help you address such vital matters as:

  • Who gets custody of the children
  • How shared property is to be divided
  • Whether a partner has visitation rights
  • Who pays child support? How much do they need to pay
  • What the duties of partner support may involve

Newport Beach domestic partnership dissolution lawyer Teresa A. Beyers will work closely with you to thoroughly understand your goals. Throughout the process, she will leverage her years of experience helping clients like you to optimize your chances of achieving said goals.

The Importance of Hiring a Lawyer When Ending a Domestic Partnership in California

In some circumstances, it is technically possible for domestic partners to end a domestic partnership without working through the courts. This could theoretically eliminate the need to hire a lawyer. Two domestic partners can simply file a notice to terminate the partnership with California’s Secretary of State.

However, this is only an option if the following criteria are met:

  • Both partners wish to terminate the partnership
  • Partners do not have children together, and neither partner is pregnant
  • Both partners do not own any property together, and the value of their shared assets does not exceed $38,000
  • Any community debt owed by both partners is less than $6,000
  • Neither partner has expressed a desire to receive support from the other

Even if the above criteria are met, after filing the Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership, there is still a six-month waiting period before termination of a domestic partnership can be finalized. During these six months, either partner may revoke the notice, forcing the matter to be resolved in court.

Avoiding such complications is easier when you have representation from a lawyer. Even if your case doesn’t wind up in court, a Newport Beach domestic partnership dissolution law firm can still help you efficiently terminate your partnership.

Contact a Newport Beach Domestic Partnership Attorney

At the Law Offices of Teresa A. Beyers, a Newport Beach domestic partnership dissolution attorney is available to provide guidance and effective representation when you realize it’s time for you and a domestic partner to go your separate ways. Learn more about how we can help by contacting us online at calling us at 949-500-8733.

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